Heim > Produkte > Portabel Ultraschallgeräte > ECO > ECO 6


CHISON ECO portable ultrasound machine is aimed to diagnose easily and accurately, with its reasonable price and high quality from CHISON medical ultrasound manufacturer, it has aleady standed out above the crowd.


More Powerful

Abdomen, OB/GYN, Urology. cardiac

Phased array probe

CW, TDI, B/BC, super needle

2D steer, tniplex, Auto IMT, Automatic pw trace, CPA,DPD

More advanced More Powerful

As a new member of ECO family. ECO6,has considered the most frequent request of users,adding more advanced features and capabilties inside this ultra-compact body. to provide better patent care.

Easy to operate Easy to go 

Dual probe-holder

Unique LED:reduce eye fatigue

DICOM (option)

Rotatable LED monitor(0- 30")tailer to different viewing angles


Built-in battery:2.5 hours

Keyboard design: for easy and quick access

ECO 6 Portable Ultrasound


  • Cardiac, B orBC Mode

    Cardiac, B orBC Mode

  • Cardiac, PW Mode

    Cardiac, PW Mode

  • Carotid, 2D steer

    Carotid, 2D steer

  • Carotid, B or BC Mode

    Carotid, B or BC Mode

  • Kidney, CPA Mode

    Kidney, CPA Mode

  • Liver, B Mode

    Liver, B Mode

  • Liver, Color Mode Kidney, CPA

    Liver, Color Mode Kidney, CPA

  • Liver, PW Mode

    Liver, PW Mode

  • Thyroid, CPA Mode

    Thyroid, CPA Mode


  • C3-A


  • L7M-A


  • L7S-A


  • MC3-A


  • MC6-A


  • R7-A


  • V6-A


Verwandte Produkte

  • Telefon: +86 510 8531 0012
  • Fax: +86 510 8531 0726
  • E-Mail:: export@chison.com.cn
  • Kontaktadresse:: Nr. 3 Changjiang South Road, Bezirk Xinwu Geschäfsführer Wuxi, Jiangsu

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Produkte: Vascular Ultrasound Machine MSK Ultrasound Machine Portable Ultrasound Device Mobile Ultrasound Machine For Sale Portable Ultrasound Machine For Pregnancy Handheld Ultrasound For Pregnancy Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound Portable Ultrasound Machine Veterinary Portable Vascular Ultrasound Machine Livestock Ultrasound Machine Cardiac Ultrasound Machine Hospital Ultrasound Machine 3D Ultrasound Equipment Portable 3D Ultrasound Machine Dog Ultrasound Machine Portable Ultrasound for PT Handheld Ultrasound for Plastic Surgery Obstetric Ultrasound Machine



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